Monday, January 25, 2010


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANTHONY!!!!  We all hope you have a wonderful day!  Marisa asked me how old you were today.  It took a little math at 6am.  When I told her she said "WOW, That's old!"  Oh, the things children say!

Well, an interesting little winter storm passed through here last night leaving the roads quite undesirable.  We still had school though.  I was careful in taking it slow to take Marisa to school. I even left 20min early and still got her there on time.  I chose the the smaller hill to drive up.  Unfortuanatley I didn't make it.  About 3/4 up and the tire's grip just ended and I started rolling backwards, then sideways.  I was able to "back" the van into someone's driveway (since I was heading there anyway) and gain back control.  I kept the kids calm as I said a few prayers.  So I turned around and looked for a better route.  A small car passed me and made it up the hill.  When I finally got out to 114th street (a main street I need to get to for Marisa's school) the car that passed me (driving pretty well, not really complaining about the passing me thing) was in a major accident.   For whatever reason, I was not supposed to be on the road at that time.  I was very thankful that the rest of the "trip" went much better.  I was still scared.  Ever since I flipped my car in rain turn to ice about 10 years ago I am so cautious and scared on these snowy roads.

When we finally got home and settled.  I say settled in because it is amazing what a 10-20min car ride can do to my children.  All need to undress from their bulky winter clothes.  Then usually all three are thirsty.  I wish I could just hand Bridget a sippycup, it would be so much easier.  When I am finally done nursing they all want snacks.  The the book requests.  So finally I get them interested in a toy so I can go off and try to get some laundry done.  Ok, I had already processed through 6 loads of laundry the previous night/ early morning so folding all those loads and rotating through more was my goal.  About 2min later I was found by Bridget quickly followed by Brayden.  Of course that meant Rebecca was not far behind.  I put them all to work!  Ok, Bridget had a free pass but she was enjoying switching the laundry for me.  Until she started to take stuff from the washer and carry it around the house instead of putting it in the dryer.  I had to defensively block her from the laundry room then.  That did not make her happy.  I got to read lots of books while I folded laundry today.

I don't know what is about turning 4 and only eating PB&J sandwiches.  When Marisa turned 4, that is all she would eat for lunch.  Well, not Rebecca turned 4 and she won't eat her meat and cheese sandwiches she loved only weeks ago.  Now it is just PB&J.

After nap time is was off to pick-up Marisa.  I HATE the traffic there.  I finally reach the intersection at the corner of her school and some idiot PARKS their car at angle so no one can drive by.  Ok, I am sure no one understands my frustration right now.  The 2 main roads around the school are 1 way only.  During winter (only because of accidents) people began to park on the one side and leave the other side open for flow of cars.  Yes there is a parking lot, but only for the teachers.  Also it is on the complete opposite side of the Kindergarten and I can't leave 3kids in the car waiting for that long.  It was also too cold to take them.  No back to my problem.  I can't go forward due to and idiot blocking the road.  Can't go left because other cars are there waiting to turn in on this idiot.  Can't go right because it is oneway the opposite direction and the buses are ready to leave.  I had to sit there watching the cars pile up for 10min knowing my little girl was outside freezing and I couldn't get to her.  Surprisingly not a horn honked.  Travis has always teased me about honking my car horn, so I held back..... what good would it do but upset other drivers and the kids trying to now get into cars that are in the middle of the street.  I finally got through when all the cars parked to the right emptied out.  The person was still in their car!!!  I ran to get Marisa and was verbally loud and gave a "you're and idiot" face to this lady.  I so wanted to say/do more but not with my kids around.  I get Marisa in the car and this crazy driver starts driving cutting off other cars and parks further down on the right side (finally!) as her child walks out of the school and climbs in the car.  It took me awhile to calm down!

When we got home (and all day) the kids reminded me (more like bugged) that they wanted to call Nanny on the web cam.  So, they talked to Nanny and I started supper.  I made Salisbury steak and "Wella's" rice.  Brayden, Mom and Dad loved it!  Bridget liked it.  Marisa ate half of it.  Rebecca hated it.  What a supper.  Off to bath time and bed!  I got a call from a friend so I went out tonight.  It was really nice to get out and talk.  Thanks Jacy!  When I arrived home Travis informed me that while Brayden was roaming the hallway in protest to going to bed he shocked himself in the outlet.  Travis says he is fine, and will not be doing that again.  I will be going up here in a few minutes to give him a big hug. 

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