Monday, January 18, 2010


I did not miss a day.... I am just winding down my day and found a great time to blog.  Sundays are a mixture of fun and relaxation for us.  Breakfast is usually relaxed and big, girls had dunking eggs and cinnamon rolls (which is currently an ongoing debate here, which are better?) and a nice big cup of coffee for mom and dad.  As usual it is a rush ending as we begin the chaos of getting ready for church.  I have learned through the years to line them up and work down the line.  The two older girls run off to find dresses (this is their favorite day of the week!) and I head to get the younger two outfits, Travis heads for the shower. With all kids dressed I then work on hair.  Well, the girl's hair today. 

Brayden was in the bathroom as Travis was doing his hair this morning.  It was so cute!  Everything Travis used Brayden wanted used on him.  So he had his hair combed, hairspray put in, cologne on and deodorant (none was actually used)put on.  He was such a proud little boy!  Then the teamwork begins I hand the kids over with socks, boots and jackets needed as I jump into the shower.  When I am done I head the 3 older out and pack the diaper bag as Travis is "wrestling" Bridget's boots and jacket on.  Then off to church.  The two older girls head into Sunday School.  They love going there!  We like it too.  They read the children's version of the gospel for that day.  They also say part of a rosary every week so they are learning lots of prayers.  They get to play and work on projects too!  We were on time today..... okay, mass started late but still we were sitting and waited a little in quiet before mass started.  That is a victory for me!

Mass went well with the two little ones.  For the most part the behaved.  It helped that I brought some snacks with us.  I had the pleasure of listening to the first two readings as I nursed Bridget in the "nursing" hallway.  It is a little different at the church here.  The hallway is used as a "family/nursing room".  Sometimes it is great sometimes not.  I go off to the side were there are these really tall chairs which help a lot.  I put Bridget down for a moment and she saw Aunt Ann and Mary down the hall.  So, off she went running.  I chased her down as she got to the bathroom door.  Bridget was quite perplexed that they just seemed to disappear.  For a little girl who hates anyone who is not mom she was disappointed she missed them.  I started to sing the communion song and Bridget looked at me, smiled then snuggled into me and fell asleep.  She hasn't fallen asleep in church for months!  We were right by the organ and she slept through them playing Amazing Grace.  She even slept through me putting her in her car seat.  She gave up that thumb without a fight as I buckled her in.

After church we headed to the car wash.  The two older girls did a good job of scaring Brayden a while ago with the car wash so it is always interesting in the car.  Travis suggested doughnuts would be fun to have through the car wash.  I didn't quite agree since it was lunch time. So, we compromised.  The three of them shared one doughnut.  Bridget did not make it asleep through the car wash.  She was not happen to be awake or in her carseat.  That is one thing she hates, the carseat.  I get to hear her scream all the way to and from Marisa's school.  The other 3 were not bad with driving, but Bridget hates it.  She rather run around the house than get in the car.  It is like I am torturing her.  Unfortunately I must leave the house daily so, I guess I will be the mean one for awhile.

Nap time!  There was a nice nap time.  Travis was nice enough to let me nap as long as Bridget.   It is rare to sleep anymore while she is.  I know I am very thankful for that long nap!  I was awakened nicely as it was supper time.  We kept it light with tomato soup and sandwiches.  Everyone had to have a completely different sandwich.  Oh, the fun!  Tomato soup is the only soup the girls will eat.  Brayden still has the opinion that no soup is good.  Tonight Bridget couldn't get enough of the soup.  She was so cute!  She had to "show off" the fact that she was eating the soup to me.

Tonight was soccer night!  We lost.  I just like to get out on the field and play.  I push my body when I get out there and play hard.  I figure if I can't give it my all I shouldn't be out there.  The best part for me is that it is still fun.  Yeah, I get frustrated at myself and angry for not being as fast as I used to but it is still fun.  I don't care about the score (sure my team might yell at this), just my effort for the game.  Since I am by far the oldest, it seems like I have a lot of catching-up to do with my speed.

After running, I got the pleasure of shopping.  Some may not think it a pleasure to shop at Walmart at 9:30pm on a Sunday night.  Look at it my way.  The store was half empty: quiet.  I had 0 kids: quiet with sanity.  Do I need to explain anymore?  When I arrived home I was surprised to see we still had some fried mac-n-cheese left at the house.  There goes all that running!  I think it is getting late enough for me.  Off to switch the laundry, run the dishwasher, and pack Travis' lunch.....goodnight!

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