Saturday, January 23, 2010


After going to bed at 3am I was quite tired this morning.  To my wonderful surprise Travis had the older 3 already eating breakfast.  He didn't wake me up until Bridget started 2 wake up at 8am.  Wish she would do that more often, and when I got to go to bed early.

It was declared a cleaning day after some game cube was played by dad, Marisa, and Rebecca.  I only wish they all would have cooperated with the cleaning.  There are somethings I do on a regular basis like the dishes all day, laundry, sweeping, picking up toys off of all the floors (just to turn around and watch Brayden and Bridget spread them around again), washing the floor, cook for everyone (they like different things so I never get to cook one thing at a time)...... well, the list keeps on going.  This morning I deep cleaned all the bathrooms.  Travis is working on the tub!  This means a relaxing bath for mom at some point!

Well, not too much to report today.  Kids did their normal "destroy the house" routine.  They were fighting a lot today, again.  Brayden is still scared of the stairs.  Though he did try to go potty a few time yesterday per his request.  Just a toot.  Though I was educated by my son last night on some "bathroom vocabulary".  A toot is just passing gas (he demonstrated that by imitating a "toot" noise through his lips), but a "poot" is, he points at his diaper.  So I change it to discover that a poot is a "wet toot" called by some.  Little boy, you keep entertaining me.

Oh, we will not be able to make it up to Hartington tomorrow due to weather:(  I only hope that this weather clears up soon!  I know Travis is talking about us going up just in general on a Friday night and coming home on Saturday night so the girls can go to Sunday School.  I still can't believe that they have class every Sunday through April.  Then they are done until October!  It will make having long weekends in Hartington much easier!  Thinking of long weekends just reminded me that Marisa will have on soon.  I just got the letter on Friday from school that she gets out early on the 12th from school and that she has Monday and Tuesday after Valentine's day off.   She is going to have a 4.5 day weekend.  I am not sure if I should be happy about this or not.

I made hotdogs and mac-n-cheese for the kids tonight knowing we had lots of chili to eat.  So we go and get the pot with the chili to dish out some plates.  Yummmm...... wait there is something growing in there.  Yup, all that chili went bad.  Travis and I could not eat it all.  So off to get some pizza with Brayden.  He was such a proud little "man" to go with mom and leave everyone else home.  When we got home he decided to stop listening and returned to the garage from the house (which I just put him in) and didn't tell me.  So I trip over him and dump the pizza all over the floor.  Naturally I was upset and just carried Brayden into the house to tell Travis what happened.  He shrugged it off and figured I saved a couple of pieces.  Now in my defense, I tried really hard to catch the pizza and to save something but couldn't.  He didn't believe me until he saw everything upside down on the floor.  So I prepare for PB&J sandwiches and tomato soup.  He calls and orders another pizza for us!  We had a nice and quiet supper since he arrived after the kids were asleep.

Well, the older 3 kids are struggling to fall asleep as I type.  Bridget has been out cold since 7pm.  I am ready for bed but I still have a lot to do.  Thank you mom for web caming with us!  Dad hope you are having fun gaming with Travis!

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