Friday, January 29, 2010


As I was finishing today's blog, my dear son deleted it's contents.  If I am up to it I will blog Thursday's and Friday's together.  But for now, my day was just interesting.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Wednesday, I made it half way through the week!  I am realizing that I need to learn to go to bed earlier.  I am not a morning person.  I know I am very much so a night person.  I think a few people are starting to realize that as I get texts and phone calls through midnight.  I am and since kids are fast asleep I don't mind talking at all.  Marisa is on a cinnamon roll kick right now for breakfast.  Travis likes them but not the Pilsbury ones.  That makes it a lot harder for me now.  I need to locate the frozen ones or make them from scratch.  Wish there was a simpler solution to my mornings!  Rebecca is loving "dipping eggs", that is easy.  Brayden likes cereal.  Bridget likes muffins, but not everyday.  Oh, it will be nice if I can get them to eat all the same things. 

I had to wake Rebecca up at 8am.  That started my day off late.  It just seemed like I was unable to get my morning on time.  No one wanted to help get dressed.  I finally got everyone dressed, jackets are going on and Bridget come strolling out with her "necklace" from last night.  I am thinking "I know I hid that in the laundry pretty well, who gave that to you?".  It did not go over well when I took her dirty bib away.  I grabbed the bag with 1/2 the bibs and sat her down.  We picked an acceptable one, Winnie-the-Pooh Christmas.  Ok, now we can continue.  Marisa was on time but she likes to get there a little earlier to spend time with a new friend.

When we got home I began to clean.  I had everyone cleaning.  Even Bridget was helping with laundry, well for like a minute but that is good for her.  When Brayden got tired I sent him to the toy room to play.  I blocked off the kitchen with the chairs so I could sweep and wash the floors.  Normally this wouldn't be so bad but Becca found a pirate's map from Halloween.  Apparently the kitchen was a "cave" that she must journey through to get to the hidden treasure.  I played along.  I was declared, by Becca, to be the Cave Monster.  I would only let passage when I had "scrapped all the bat droppings from the cave bottom so they wouldn't fall", so I was told.  But the monster had to stop to give the travelers their snack and drinks, to change diapers and retrieve their equipment from the bottom of the mud pit.  I love their imagination!  Though this did make my cleaning of the cave a lot longer and their patients were worn. After cave entry was allowed lunch making began!

I really wish naptime would be better.  It can be such a struggle some days.  The hard part for me it that I know how tired they are.  They are yawning and "silly tired" causing fights and falling over.  Why don't they realize that a nap would help?  When I finally get all of them asleep it was time to wake them all back up to get Marisa.  Oh well, I tried.  I will now make a short daily complaint:  I HATE THE CRAZY DRIVING OF ELEMENTARY PARENTS!!!!  Ok, done.

Upon arriving home I learned/remembered Travis would be working late.  So, I made a kid friendly meal!  Hotdogs, Mac-n-cheese and greenbeans.  Each kid takes it so differently when they know Travis will be late.  At about end of supper the panic began:  "Will daddy be coming home tonight?".  Yes, I assured them.  When?  I told them that it might be late but that dad is thinking of them and loves them very much.  My personal opinion is that they think it is the outage again.  They have a really hard time not seeing dad.  During supper Uncle Tony called.  They got to sing happy birthday to him!  They had been waiting a long time to do that.  Then I got to talk to Anthony.  It is amazing how much trouble they try to get into while I am on the phone.  It felt like they wanted to hurt each other. 

After the wonderful conversation it was bath time.  I tackled the younger two first.  The older two were playing with a doll house so they were just fine.  When the "little" baths were done I settled Bridget into bed.  Off to take care of the showers.  Our older two love showers.  I like it because they can do most of it on their own which helps me out.  While they showered Brayden got to snuggle in our bed and watch Dora (he likes Swiper).  By the time that was done the girls were done and Marisa wanted to talk to Nanny and Wello.  I let them stay up a little late to talk.  During that conversation Daddy came home!  Which pretty much ended the web cam conversation with Nanny and Wello (sorry).  Dad took them off to be in a short time.  I made him supper then I crashed.  I really wish I didn't crash because I know that means more work for me the next morning.  I was so wiped though from the long day!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Tuesdays are one of my big run around days.  I actually got into the shower before the girls got up so my dad started out great!  I got hugs and kisses from all girls with big smiles so that was a huge bonus!  I even got 20min with Travis this morning, definitely a good morning.  Rebecca slept in which I was surprised about.  I had to wake her up at 8am so she had enough time to eat and get dressed before school.  This was the start to my late morning.  I couldn't find the checkbook (time to get more lunches for Marisa) then I couldn't find the roast I needed to defrost.  It was topped off with Brayden refusing to go in the car.  Fine.  He was carried in with his PJs and blankie.  Guess I am not going out for groceries this morning.  Oh, the fun!

It is always strange for me to come back on with just two kids for two hours.  At first they did good.  We read stories and tried to get some chores done.  All of a sudden with about 30min until load up time, they began to fight.  It started with Brayden pushing Bridget into the wall.  A little while later it was continued with Bridget biting Brayden.  It was too late to put Bridget in for a nap soo.... the fighting continued into the car until Bridget fell asleep.  The silence was nice.  I almost felt bad for waking her up to eat lunch.  Today's lunch was better than most.  At the end the food started to get thrown on the floor.  It always seems like such a short morning with running back and forth to get Rebecca.

As I was folding laundry Bridget discovered a Halloween bib.  She decided it was the coolest thing ever!  She had me put it on her.  She wore it the rest of the day!  I snuck it off at nap time and she woke up discovered it wasn't on and cried.  Oh it shall me a long cute day.  She had a hard time going to bed with out her bib again.  I put it in the dirty laundry pile hoping to wash it yet tonight.  She wouldn't stay still for this picture but I thought it was a cute one to share!

I am still in shock at how bad drivers are at schools.  Again picking up Marisa was horrid.  I am going to try and leave 30min early tomorrow.  Same issues of poor judgement of stopping and parking.  Marisa was happy to see me.  Though I did have to explain to her that she can't just run out into the middle of the street, she needed to wait for me to park.  "But other kids do it" she said.  What a fun conversation to have out in cold weather.  I tried to explain that she could get hurt and that it is a rule of mine to stay safe on the sidewalk.  Then she goes into other families and their rules.  Oh fun!  She has a friend at school she really likes.  They have been exchanging "things" like lost buttons and hairclips.  Her friend tried writing down their phone number for Marisa last week but I couldn't read it.  So I wrote a letter and sent it in with Marisa.  Still no phone call.  Marisa is still pretty upset.  How do I connect with this other parent?

After school we headed off to Bakers.  What fun with 4 kids!  It is amazing how many different looks and comments I get.  They range from how beautiful and well behaved my kids are to "wow, that is a lot of kids, you are crazy to have that many".  My shopping experience would be so much better if comments were kept to themselves.  After shopping supper!  Travis worked late today.  Kids notice it more lately.  I am not sure how they know may just the "schedule" that they have throughout the day.  I won't even say anything.  It try cooking supper at different times to throw them off, but the 3 older ones always seem to make a comment on any day that Travis is working late.  Since Marisa can tell time she is the most sensitive about it.

After supper Travis took the 3 older ones to the basement to "run" while I put the no napping Bridget to bed.  Then it was game time for the family.  We played trouble until all kids were tired possible over tired and started acting out.  It was before normal bedtime but they were ready for bed.  So were mom and dad.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Picture Day!!! 1/26/10

Don't worry a blog of today will soon follow tonight.  I just thought I would post some new pictures.

This is our recent trip to the zoo in the rain-forest.

Travis took this amazing photo of Bridget.  We have so many great ones of her lately!
Last Sunday we decided to try to take some kid photos. 

They always look so cute on Sundays!

Bridget enjoyed her freedom at the zoo!

Christmas photo of Travis and the kids.

Christmas photo of me and the kids.

Monday, January 25, 2010


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANTHONY!!!!  We all hope you have a wonderful day!  Marisa asked me how old you were today.  It took a little math at 6am.  When I told her she said "WOW, That's old!"  Oh, the things children say!

Well, an interesting little winter storm passed through here last night leaving the roads quite undesirable.  We still had school though.  I was careful in taking it slow to take Marisa to school. I even left 20min early and still got her there on time.  I chose the the smaller hill to drive up.  Unfortuanatley I didn't make it.  About 3/4 up and the tire's grip just ended and I started rolling backwards, then sideways.  I was able to "back" the van into someone's driveway (since I was heading there anyway) and gain back control.  I kept the kids calm as I said a few prayers.  So I turned around and looked for a better route.  A small car passed me and made it up the hill.  When I finally got out to 114th street (a main street I need to get to for Marisa's school) the car that passed me (driving pretty well, not really complaining about the passing me thing) was in a major accident.   For whatever reason, I was not supposed to be on the road at that time.  I was very thankful that the rest of the "trip" went much better.  I was still scared.  Ever since I flipped my car in rain turn to ice about 10 years ago I am so cautious and scared on these snowy roads.

When we finally got home and settled.  I say settled in because it is amazing what a 10-20min car ride can do to my children.  All need to undress from their bulky winter clothes.  Then usually all three are thirsty.  I wish I could just hand Bridget a sippycup, it would be so much easier.  When I am finally done nursing they all want snacks.  The the book requests.  So finally I get them interested in a toy so I can go off and try to get some laundry done.  Ok, I had already processed through 6 loads of laundry the previous night/ early morning so folding all those loads and rotating through more was my goal.  About 2min later I was found by Bridget quickly followed by Brayden.  Of course that meant Rebecca was not far behind.  I put them all to work!  Ok, Bridget had a free pass but she was enjoying switching the laundry for me.  Until she started to take stuff from the washer and carry it around the house instead of putting it in the dryer.  I had to defensively block her from the laundry room then.  That did not make her happy.  I got to read lots of books while I folded laundry today.

I don't know what is about turning 4 and only eating PB&J sandwiches.  When Marisa turned 4, that is all she would eat for lunch.  Well, not Rebecca turned 4 and she won't eat her meat and cheese sandwiches she loved only weeks ago.  Now it is just PB&J.

After nap time is was off to pick-up Marisa.  I HATE the traffic there.  I finally reach the intersection at the corner of her school and some idiot PARKS their car at angle so no one can drive by.  Ok, I am sure no one understands my frustration right now.  The 2 main roads around the school are 1 way only.  During winter (only because of accidents) people began to park on the one side and leave the other side open for flow of cars.  Yes there is a parking lot, but only for the teachers.  Also it is on the complete opposite side of the Kindergarten and I can't leave 3kids in the car waiting for that long.  It was also too cold to take them.  No back to my problem.  I can't go forward due to and idiot blocking the road.  Can't go left because other cars are there waiting to turn in on this idiot.  Can't go right because it is oneway the opposite direction and the buses are ready to leave.  I had to sit there watching the cars pile up for 10min knowing my little girl was outside freezing and I couldn't get to her.  Surprisingly not a horn honked.  Travis has always teased me about honking my car horn, so I held back..... what good would it do but upset other drivers and the kids trying to now get into cars that are in the middle of the street.  I finally got through when all the cars parked to the right emptied out.  The person was still in their car!!!  I ran to get Marisa and was verbally loud and gave a "you're and idiot" face to this lady.  I so wanted to say/do more but not with my kids around.  I get Marisa in the car and this crazy driver starts driving cutting off other cars and parks further down on the right side (finally!) as her child walks out of the school and climbs in the car.  It took me awhile to calm down!

When we got home (and all day) the kids reminded me (more like bugged) that they wanted to call Nanny on the web cam.  So, they talked to Nanny and I started supper.  I made Salisbury steak and "Wella's" rice.  Brayden, Mom and Dad loved it!  Bridget liked it.  Marisa ate half of it.  Rebecca hated it.  What a supper.  Off to bath time and bed!  I got a call from a friend so I went out tonight.  It was really nice to get out and talk.  Thanks Jacy!  When I arrived home Travis informed me that while Brayden was roaming the hallway in protest to going to bed he shocked himself in the outlet.  Travis says he is fine, and will not be doing that again.  I will be going up here in a few minutes to give him a big hug. 

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Sunday. Day of rest.  Wish someone would inform my kids about that.  We do our best not to rush around on Sunday.  We made it to church close to on time.  Girls were excited about going to Sunday School.  Brayden and Bridget were their normal squirmy selves throughout mass.  I discovered that the hallway at church was again a social gathering spots.  I was trying to nurse Bridget but she was well distracted by the many conversations and grown kids running around us.  I finally gave up since I couldn't hear the priest who was "broadcast" through the hallway.  Oh fun, I now had a hungry squirmy kid throughout the rest of mass.

After mass we headed home.  As I opened the van door Marisa was crying.  "What happened?" I asked in a panicked voice.  "I wanted to go first" she wined back to me.  I took a deep breathe and sent them all in the house, some were crying but it had to be done.  The lecture that we don't all get to go first occurred after that.  Then lunch and naps.

Not too much to report through the afternoon.  I napped!  It was really nice to rest a little.  Travis and some of the kids got a nap too.  When we all got up we hurried to the grocery store.  It started to flurry but we wanted to beat the "storm".  Travis fed the kids at McDonalds as I shopped.  When they finally finished I was able to get a few things I needed them for.  We hit the storm on the way home an hour later.  Some scary drivers out there.  After we got home we needed to shake out the kids giggles.  They love doing that!  They get really silly and have lots of fun.   Then bed!  Finally Travis and I got to eat supper!  (alone!)  I am still waiting for Brayden to finish playing and finally go to sleep.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


After going to bed at 3am I was quite tired this morning.  To my wonderful surprise Travis had the older 3 already eating breakfast.  He didn't wake me up until Bridget started 2 wake up at 8am.  Wish she would do that more often, and when I got to go to bed early.

It was declared a cleaning day after some game cube was played by dad, Marisa, and Rebecca.  I only wish they all would have cooperated with the cleaning.  There are somethings I do on a regular basis like the dishes all day, laundry, sweeping, picking up toys off of all the floors (just to turn around and watch Brayden and Bridget spread them around again), washing the floor, cook for everyone (they like different things so I never get to cook one thing at a time)...... well, the list keeps on going.  This morning I deep cleaned all the bathrooms.  Travis is working on the tub!  This means a relaxing bath for mom at some point!

Well, not too much to report today.  Kids did their normal "destroy the house" routine.  They were fighting a lot today, again.  Brayden is still scared of the stairs.  Though he did try to go potty a few time yesterday per his request.  Just a toot.  Though I was educated by my son last night on some "bathroom vocabulary".  A toot is just passing gas (he demonstrated that by imitating a "toot" noise through his lips), but a "poot" is, he points at his diaper.  So I change it to discover that a poot is a "wet toot" called by some.  Little boy, you keep entertaining me.

Oh, we will not be able to make it up to Hartington tomorrow due to weather:(  I only hope that this weather clears up soon!  I know Travis is talking about us going up just in general on a Friday night and coming home on Saturday night so the girls can go to Sunday School.  I still can't believe that they have class every Sunday through April.  Then they are done until October!  It will make having long weekends in Hartington much easier!  Thinking of long weekends just reminded me that Marisa will have on soon.  I just got the letter on Friday from school that she gets out early on the 12th from school and that she has Monday and Tuesday after Valentine's day off.   She is going to have a 4.5 day weekend.  I am not sure if I should be happy about this or not.

I made hotdogs and mac-n-cheese for the kids tonight knowing we had lots of chili to eat.  So we go and get the pot with the chili to dish out some plates.  Yummmm...... wait there is something growing in there.  Yup, all that chili went bad.  Travis and I could not eat it all.  So off to get some pizza with Brayden.  He was such a proud little "man" to go with mom and leave everyone else home.  When we got home he decided to stop listening and returned to the garage from the house (which I just put him in) and didn't tell me.  So I trip over him and dump the pizza all over the floor.  Naturally I was upset and just carried Brayden into the house to tell Travis what happened.  He shrugged it off and figured I saved a couple of pieces.  Now in my defense, I tried really hard to catch the pizza and to save something but couldn't.  He didn't believe me until he saw everything upside down on the floor.  So I prepare for PB&J sandwiches and tomato soup.  He calls and orders another pizza for us!  We had a nice and quiet supper since he arrived after the kids were asleep.

Well, the older 3 kids are struggling to fall asleep as I type.  Bridget has been out cold since 7pm.  I am ready for bed but I still have a lot to do.  Thank you mom for web caming with us!  Dad hope you are having fun gaming with Travis!


TGIF!  Since my "job" really doesn't have any weekends, vacation, sick days, or time away at all I still don't know why I get excited over Fridays.  I usually look forward to a drink late at night with Travis to celebrate his end of the week, but I know he won't be here tonight.  I am glad it is my last day of running to and from school for the week.  Though we do a lot of running around the city on the weekends.  Seems like there is always something we need in the house that needs a "special" trip out.  I just wish it didn't take so long to drag the kids around to get it all done.  This weekend we are supposed to head to Hartington to see family.  I just hope the weather holds so we can get there.

An average morning.  Dad gets all the smiles and I get all the attitude.  Well, until about 9am there is a lot of resistance.  I get my hugs and kisses from Marisa when she realizes she will be gone all day.  Rebecca starts her cuddling when we get back from dropping off Marisa.  Brayden begins to "latch" to me once he is done with breakfast and realizes he need to get into the van soon.  He is starting to hate all the driving I do.  Since I am still "food" to Bridget she never stops her hugs.

Today no one wanted to listen.  Everyone wanted to get into trouble.  It felt like I left one room to another just disciplining.  I was at my breaking point at nap time.  I got about 20min of no yelling and quiet in before it all started again.  It is amazing how just that 20 min can re-energize me for the rest of the night.  Then another 2 hours of fighting can take it all away.

When Marisa got home from school there was request by all to have a snack.  So we tried to make a fruit smoothie with yogurt and fruit.  I let Marisa and Rebecca pick the ingredients. I started in the blender yogurt.  Then I brought out the frozen blueberries and strawberries.  They wanted bananas and peaches in there too.  Rebecca grabbed the icecream, I gave in.  Marisa realized that icecream is not always healthy and we wanted a healthy snack so she got some raw carrots out.  Since I let them pick everything else I let the carrots go in.  Surprisingly to me, it tasted good.  The kids and dad liked it better than me.  Marisa decided that next time they will just try the blueberries and strawberries with the yogurt.

Bed time was interesting to night.  The kids prefer to have Dad put them to bed so they fought a little with me.  Bridget had no problems.  I nursed her, she was gigglie tired when I put her in her crib.  I closed her door and there was not another sound.  She was just asleep.  She amazes me!  I bribed the girls with video games on Saturday if I didn't have to go back into their room.  Surprisingly it worked!  Not another sound was heard, from the girls.  Brayden on the other hand was my problem.  It took me  hours to get him asleep.  I am sure the phone ringing and text messages didn't help, but at 10:00 he finally settled down.  Then Bridget stirred for a little, then Brayden, then Bridget...... well I think you get the pattern.  That happened until about 2:30am.  I am so tired!

Friday, January 22, 2010


Again this morning Brayden was scared of the stairs!  I don't know what to do.  I do know that he has not fallen down them and that this is something new.  Hopefully a weekend with dad will help.  Due to a lot of no listeners we were running late out the door.  All kids got to school on time but some of us were still in PJs in the car.  I am so tired of hearing Bridget fuss over her seat.  I decided that I would ask Travis again for help.  In his defense he is working hard and has a huge list of things that need to get fixed/done around the house (his list not mine).

I was finally fed up of no showers in the morning.  Since there were only 2 kids at the moment I grabbed the pack-n-play an placed it in my bathroom.  I then began to put toys in the bottom.  By this point the two kids I had were very interested in being inside (yet I knew the enthusiasm would end once they were inside).  Who to put in?  Bridget was the answer due to all the danger she could get into and not out of.  Brayden was very upset over this decision.  I quickly put on a "mom approved, previously taped" show to attract his attention.  Shower time!!!  Ok, for those of you who are moms, I am sure you understand the joy of finally getting into the shower for the day(s).  After about 2 minutes or less my bliss was gone.  Brayden was bugging Bridget and Bridget wanted out.  But I had my two minutes!

For some reason Bridget wanted a nap this morning.... badly.  So off to nap for her.  What can I do with Brayden to keep him quiet???  Ok, we are going to clean out the van and change around Bridget's car seat.  I tried calling Travis to see if there is any info I need to know about the car/carseat that would help.  Ok, not reachable.  I can do this!  I pulled a lot of summer toys out on the empty half of the garage.  Brayden decided to climb into the van.  Great :(  My "helper" insisted on staying in the van and helping me throughout the carseat ordeal.  So everytime I leaned the carseat forward to see the seat or to find something he would push it back hitting me in the head.  He kept doing the opposite of what I was doing.  I was starting to get annoyed about being in pain, so I put him in his seat.  I was mad, I didn't even buckle him in.  He said bye, climbed out, and headed for the now "cool toys".  Why didn't I do that to begin with?

By the time we were done it was time to pick up Rebecca (almost late).  I always feel bad about waking up any child to go out.  Poor Bridget gets woken up every afternoon and here I was doing it to her mid-morning.  I put "grumpy" Bridget in her seat.  "Cool" came out of her mouth then she looked up to me with a smile.  I am now thinking "Alright! Finally a happy baby."  The entire ride to get Rebecca Bridget stared at me smiling.  My guess is that she thought I disappeared when I drove and now she knew I was there and can look at me.

Nap time was a normal struggle.  Bridget more so today since she had a morning nap.  Picking up Marisa was better since Bridget can see the world.  I still feel the need to complain about crazy drivers!  It would be nice to pick-up Marisa just once without "almost" getting into an accident because the other driver isn't paying attention or doesn't care.

I am trying to include the kids in mealtime decision and preparations.  Last night they learned that picking side noodles is a democracy(Marisa's choice of words).   We had two options that we voted on.  Marisa and Dad won the noodle option.  Rebecca won the vegetable option.

After supper we enjoyed a "visit" from Nanny and Wello via the webcam.  The kids had a hard time recognizing Wello with his mustache gone.  Travis noticed how much Brayden looks like Wello with his mustache gone.  The kids started to play "computer games" (game cube) while still on the web cam.  I think Nanny had a great time watching them play, fight, and borrow the controllers.  After that Mom was wiped and happy it was bed time.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I knew it was going to be a long day by breakfast.  I woke up later than I wanted so I got up got dressed and started dishes.  Travis was getting ready for work.  The two girls come downstairs and head straight for dad.  Ok, that is normal around here so not much worry yet.  I ask what they would like for supper and nothing is said.  I ask again and there is silence.  Travis is running late so he grows impatient and asks.   Finally answers!  I help get them settled in and ask yet another question.  This time I get impatient eyes from Rebecca and complete silence from both.  I hear whispered next to me "Hope your day gets better".  Travis already realized it was going to be a long one for me.  I giggled.  I also asked if he wanted to stay home (jokingly of course).  He laughed.  We were the only two laughing.  Marvelous!

Brayden is awake.  I am so excited I am going go finally get a hug!  Wait, nope, he is now scared of stairs (well going down) suddenly and cries instead.  Will anyone be my friend?  There is Bridget's cry from being woken up by Brayden.  Of course, she is all smiles for me, I am her food still.  At least I get hugs from one.  I have been trying to give her milk/water/juice from a sippy and she just won't take anything.  What a stubborn little girl!  She will run around giggling proud she has a cup but spits out anything she gets in her mouth.  I can see this will be a long struggle.

The morning got a little better.  Marisa warmed up to me.  She even told me how good of a cook I was and how much she loved me!  Becca was back to talking to me.  Brayden still scared of stairs.  We had our normal drive to school and back with Bridget crying.  Becca was happy to be back home and playing.  Since everyone was in interesting moods I decided to sit on the floor and play before I began "my chores".  That turned into a fight over mom then disbandment to get into trouble.  Brayden was slamming doors on Bridget.  Becca was wining over anything.  Bridget finally got through to the "big" pillow to bounce and hit her head on our bed.  Then both Brayden and Bridget got into the wires from the game cube.  They the two decided to pull down anything they could reach on our desk. 

Finally lunch. Again I couldn't get lunch right for Becca.  I wish that when she made up her mind she wouldn't change it.  She then asks me to dance.  Ok, here is my chance to get on her good side.  So I silly dance. Not good enough.  "Dance for real", I don't know why but I did "The Twist".  She says "no, jingle bells".  "What is that, show me".  A proud little girl climbs down from her chair and begins to shake her hips.  With every shake she says "jingle bell".  I started laughing.  How cute!  We are back to liking each other!

Nap time was quiet of sorts.  I keep busy while reminding everyone to sleep.  Right now I am sitting in the hallway like yesterday typing and yelling.  Helps Brayden fall asleep but it keeps Bridget up.  "They" say that babies can smell their milk from a distance.  If it is true this little on proves it.  It is like I am holding a plate of hotdogs out here and she wants it.

After picking up Marisa we out voted Dad for mom not to cook.  Ok, didn't take much to sway dad.  The next question was where to go?  Apparently we needed to call Nanny and get her opinion and help on this question.  Ah, my children.  Marisa chooses Minervas in Yankton, SD.  She was very upset that it was too far away.  China food is her final choice.  Rebecca decides on eating at "the rocket ship".  No one knows where that is.   After a long conversation with Nanny and enlisting the help of Uncle Tim and Wello to secure the plane that would be needed to get to the rocket ship that she got to drive she was content on leaving the house.  Brayden wanted sausage, Dad wanted pizza, and mom didn't care (I just didn't want to cook).  So I load the kids back up into the van just in time for 5pm and the arrival of dad to the house.  We ended up at a China buffet instead of HuHot where dad wanted to go.

Rebecca was still wanting to go to "the rocket ship" as we heading shopping again.  According to Marisa all Best Buys are the same even if the are located on different streets and that if you go into one don't bother going into the other.  To Dad the second Best Buy store had a lot more "stuff" to look at.  Marisa was ok once we go in there.  She got to play with the drum set for Xbox.  Cool she said.  I got to try out Mario for the Wii.  I now know I have no clue how to use the controller for the Wii.  We get home late and Rebecca talks Dad into playing a game on the game cube.  Wow, a late night and a tired mom

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I am posting a little late due to a huge day yesterday.

It all began with our normal chaos of getting out the door in the morning.  This morning there was a little surprise.  Ok, a few surprises.  For one, I woke up early.  Early to me is before the kids wake up.  For one of the few days of my life I was up, showered, dressed and with coffee in my hand before the first stir of kids.  The girls slept in to 6:30 so it was triumph for me.  Travis and I also had some time to talk or actually see each other before he left for work.  So far a good morning.  The little patters of feet above our head began.  That usually means running down the stairs would be next.  So we waited.  And waited, and waited.  Finally Travis went to see what the hold up was.  As he walked to the stairs he could hear the girls excitedly talking about going to school that day.  He said good morning, no one answered.  Finally the trampling down the stairs began.  Two bright eyed little girls were at my feet saying "good morning, we made our beds alread!  Where's Dad?".  I was in shock!  Beds made before leaving their room to even go potty.  What have we started!

At some point I hope to get it all figured out.  I am sure as more kids can dress themselves it should get a tad easier.  It was a 2 stop day.  Marisa being stop one.  Oh, they count and keep track of who is first, second and last (at some point they will realize that they need to make room for 1 more).  All were sad to see Marisa leave, then it occurred to Rebecca that she was next.  Excitement in the car again.  Drop off 2.  Brayden is usually pretty sad about Rebecca going to school now.  Rebecca likes to just about push me out of the class room.  She is enjoying this play time and learning time with new friends.

I begin to drive.  Brayden lately is more aware of his surroundings as he asks me, "where going?" since I turned the opposite way of home.  "A surprise!" I respond back to him.  "Oh" is all I hear back until a truck drives by.  As I pull into Bakers I hear "HOPPING!" from a very excited little boy.  We were at the grocery store.  He gets excited over this because he doesn't have to share the "car" that is attached to the front of the cart with Becca.  He actually behaved the whole time in the store.  Well, we weren't there for long, just for some lunch meat.  Bridget was tired so she didn't do so well.  I wish she didn't give up morning naps!  After shopping it was home for an hour, then back in the car to pick-up Rebecca.  Bridget HATES cars.  So she is no fun.  Every time I mention getting kids in the car or driving imagine an 11th month old who is screaming the entire time.  I have a headache by the time Travis gets home everyday!  Rebecca is always so full of energy when I pick her up from school, today was no different.

We never have a quiet meal at our house.  Then nap time.  Ahhhhh........nope no relaxing for mom.  Fought with 2 to nap.  While I was still fighting with Brayden to nap the phone rings.  I have to admit from 1 to 3 if my house phone rings I cringe with anger.  I am afraid someone will wake up.  I was happy to hear from my Nanny.  I haven't talked to her in awhile.  I was also relieved that finally the kids were asleep by the time I was done talking.  Oh, wait now I need to rush and get Marisa.  No rest for the weary.  I hate driving to get Marisa and the snow is worse.  At least when there was no snow it was entertaining to "people watch".  Now it is just crazy drivers stuck in snow.  I have to leave super early so I can park close to the Kindergarten side so I don't have to drag the other 3 kids out to get Marisa.  It is such a mess!  I wish people would learn to park on one side of the road only.

After some talking time with Marisa, play time with all 4 it was supper time.  Long ago Marisa decided she didn't like French Toast.  This happens to be my favorite breakfast item (especially with porkroll or bacon) but I never get to have it.  Rebecca was next to ban this item from our menu.  Brayden was the final hit last year.  With some coaxing Travis talked me into trying it again.  It was GREAT!  All kids enjoyed their French Toast and even declared we can have it again.  Bridget was most enthusiastic over French Toast (that is my little girl!).  Then it was off to shopping.  We needed a few things like milk, eggs, bread, and a computer game.

Poker Night got canceled. So, it was declared "game night".  We called up Wello and tried Age of Empires 2.    Well, that did not go so well so round 2 tonight has been declared with a different game.  At 11 when we couldn't get a connection to play with my dad, it was asked if I would play.  At about 1am we were finally heading to bed.  That is why this blog was late.  Since Travis had the computer monopolized I couldn't blog, and I was not bogging at 1am.  Well, that's it for now.  

Monday, January 18, 2010


Monday.  It is always hard to get back into our routine every Monday morning.  Since there was no school today it wasn't hard to let the kids play more this morning.  Oh, did they have fun!  As the fighting began I started to including them in my cleaning.  We started a chore chart combined with an allowance about a couple of weeks ago.  Marisa has caught on quickly.  She has not missed a Friday "payday".  Though she is really good at keeping me on task once she starts helping.  She runs down her list and asks for more to do.  I know this enthusiasm won't last long so I am enjoying it.  I make sure she does take some play breaks often.  I got a lot done considering the craziness of the day.

No school days can be fun.  Even though I cleaned the kids played around me with lots of laughs and giggles.  They lined up the dinning room chairs as a train while I swept and washed the floor.  All of them helped with switching the laundry, or so I thought.  I hear "my turn, my turn" from Brayden so I thought I would peek in and see what was going on.  He was pushing his older sister into the washer wanting his turn next.  I had to explain to them not to climb into the washer or dryer.  As I folded clothes the kids did gymnastics on our pillows or "helped" fold clothes.  Bridget just had fun rolling in my nice piles of clothes or carrying the clothes throughout the house and dropping them randomly for me to find.

Nap time was the usual struggle.  I finally gave in to Brayden and cuddled with him for nap time.  I expected to sneak out once he fell asleep but instead the two of us slept until Bridget woke up.  He was so cute giving me a kiss to go to sleep and snuggling in.  Then when he heard Bridget he kissed me again and snuggled as he talked to me.  Tonight when he went to bed he wanted me not dad (which is rare) to put him to bed.  We normally don't cuddle or rock him, but I fought him for an hour and was tired of disciplining him.  The two older girls did not nap which showed tonight

The highlight of the kids day was web caming with my parents today.  It was so cute!  They all fight over who gets to talk/read to Nanny and Wello.  Then Marisa proudly made a list of words she would like to know in spanish.  So she asked me to call Wello, "he knows better than the computer."  It was so cute watching her call.  She was very proud to study the words most of the day.

Once the kids realized that Dad was working late they began to go wild.  I quickly sent them to the basement (where they can run and have all their toys at hand) to get some energy out so they were not at my feet.  That worked for 5min as they began to fight.  So back upstairs in corners then to cleaning and cooking for all!  I give them plenty of chances to play, but if they fight it's to work they go.  Most don't like it but I don't like all the fighting.

I am typing this while watching the news and listening to our neighbor's loud music.  I hate not owning our own home.  I know it will be a long time before that could ever happen again, but I still long for our peace again.  The kids still talk about our "other house" so it can be hard to explain  the grown-up version of why we are here.  We explain it the best in their terms as we can and keep honest with them as we can.  We have been honest and true through the whole experience and we don't plan on changing that.

So, off I go to wrap up the night for a new day. 


I did not miss a day.... I am just winding down my day and found a great time to blog.  Sundays are a mixture of fun and relaxation for us.  Breakfast is usually relaxed and big, girls had dunking eggs and cinnamon rolls (which is currently an ongoing debate here, which are better?) and a nice big cup of coffee for mom and dad.  As usual it is a rush ending as we begin the chaos of getting ready for church.  I have learned through the years to line them up and work down the line.  The two older girls run off to find dresses (this is their favorite day of the week!) and I head to get the younger two outfits, Travis heads for the shower. With all kids dressed I then work on hair.  Well, the girl's hair today. 

Brayden was in the bathroom as Travis was doing his hair this morning.  It was so cute!  Everything Travis used Brayden wanted used on him.  So he had his hair combed, hairspray put in, cologne on and deodorant (none was actually used)put on.  He was such a proud little boy!  Then the teamwork begins I hand the kids over with socks, boots and jackets needed as I jump into the shower.  When I am done I head the 3 older out and pack the diaper bag as Travis is "wrestling" Bridget's boots and jacket on.  Then off to church.  The two older girls head into Sunday School.  They love going there!  We like it too.  They read the children's version of the gospel for that day.  They also say part of a rosary every week so they are learning lots of prayers.  They get to play and work on projects too!  We were on time today..... okay, mass started late but still we were sitting and waited a little in quiet before mass started.  That is a victory for me!

Mass went well with the two little ones.  For the most part the behaved.  It helped that I brought some snacks with us.  I had the pleasure of listening to the first two readings as I nursed Bridget in the "nursing" hallway.  It is a little different at the church here.  The hallway is used as a "family/nursing room".  Sometimes it is great sometimes not.  I go off to the side were there are these really tall chairs which help a lot.  I put Bridget down for a moment and she saw Aunt Ann and Mary down the hall.  So, off she went running.  I chased her down as she got to the bathroom door.  Bridget was quite perplexed that they just seemed to disappear.  For a little girl who hates anyone who is not mom she was disappointed she missed them.  I started to sing the communion song and Bridget looked at me, smiled then snuggled into me and fell asleep.  She hasn't fallen asleep in church for months!  We were right by the organ and she slept through them playing Amazing Grace.  She even slept through me putting her in her car seat.  She gave up that thumb without a fight as I buckled her in.

After church we headed to the car wash.  The two older girls did a good job of scaring Brayden a while ago with the car wash so it is always interesting in the car.  Travis suggested doughnuts would be fun to have through the car wash.  I didn't quite agree since it was lunch time. So, we compromised.  The three of them shared one doughnut.  Bridget did not make it asleep through the car wash.  She was not happen to be awake or in her carseat.  That is one thing she hates, the carseat.  I get to hear her scream all the way to and from Marisa's school.  The other 3 were not bad with driving, but Bridget hates it.  She rather run around the house than get in the car.  It is like I am torturing her.  Unfortunately I must leave the house daily so, I guess I will be the mean one for awhile.

Nap time!  There was a nice nap time.  Travis was nice enough to let me nap as long as Bridget.   It is rare to sleep anymore while she is.  I know I am very thankful for that long nap!  I was awakened nicely as it was supper time.  We kept it light with tomato soup and sandwiches.  Everyone had to have a completely different sandwich.  Oh, the fun!  Tomato soup is the only soup the girls will eat.  Brayden still has the opinion that no soup is good.  Tonight Bridget couldn't get enough of the soup.  She was so cute!  She had to "show off" the fact that she was eating the soup to me.

Tonight was soccer night!  We lost.  I just like to get out on the field and play.  I push my body when I get out there and play hard.  I figure if I can't give it my all I shouldn't be out there.  The best part for me is that it is still fun.  Yeah, I get frustrated at myself and angry for not being as fast as I used to but it is still fun.  I don't care about the score (sure my team might yell at this), just my effort for the game.  Since I am by far the oldest, it seems like I have a lot of catching-up to do with my speed.

After running, I got the pleasure of shopping.  Some may not think it a pleasure to shop at Walmart at 9:30pm on a Sunday night.  Look at it my way.  The store was half empty: quiet.  I had 0 kids: quiet with sanity.  Do I need to explain anymore?  When I arrived home I was surprised to see we still had some fried mac-n-cheese left at the house.  There goes all that running!  I think it is getting late enough for me.  Off to switch the laundry, run the dishwasher, and pack Travis' lunch.....goodnight!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


After last night ending late.... too late, this morning arrived too early.  At 6:15 our children woke up excited about going to the zoo.  We were surprised with the request last night but decided we were due for some fun family time outside these 4 walls we live in daily.  So, I packed lunches as the kids ate breakfast.  They quickly mapped out our trip for the day.  It is amazing at how the entire family was up by 7:15am (thank you Travis for letting me sleep in!) but we didn't leave the house until close to 9:30.  I wish that all the kids would learn to listen but I think we have quite a long time before that happens.

We got to the zoo and it felt almost empty.  The kids quickly spotted the peacocks on our way through the front of the zoo to our destination.  We started with the Jungle.  Ok, some might think that it was cold outside today.  Though when you get into the Jungle it is quite warm and humid.  We were not able to finish the bottom of the Jungle last time so that is where we started.  It was so nice not to be pushed around and to be able to take our time through the Jungle.  It was a little muddy so I was glad that they all wore their boots.  There were birds every where.  The caves and waterfall were their favorite spots.

After the Jungle was completely explored we ventured to the Aquarium.  The kids enjoyed the new Kidzone in front of the penguins.  The kids ran with the swimming penguins.  The coral reef was fun for them too.  Marisa liked the "little crabs".  There was lots of oohs and ahs when we got to the shark tank/tunnel.  They had a blast watching the sharks, fish, stingrays, and sea turtles swim around and over them.  We decided to eat lunch there with all the fish and sharks.  The kids had a blast.  They really liked the jellyfish and school of fish swimming in round tanks where they can run around them.  Marisa even found Nemo!  Bridget had a blast walking around finding the low tanks.

The next stop was the giraffes.  That is Rebecca's favorite animal to visit.  Though Marisa doesn't like going there due to the steep hill to walk back up.  After the giraffes we ventured into the Caves under the Dessert Dome.  It is not one of my favorite spots but the kids had fun.  It is completely dark and it houses bats, snakes, crocodiles and many more things.  The smelliest part is the bat cave.  The spookiest part is the bayou with lots of crocodiles and alligators all around you in the swamp as you walk over moving dock.  Kids loved it but I couldn't wait to get out of there.

After our scary adventure we were off to see the gorillas.  There was a baby gorilla there sleeping in one of the worker's arms!  She brought him up to the window for Bridget and I to see.  It was actually pretty cute.  The kids enjoyed the "big" gorillas.  Down at the bottom one was eating.  Marisa still tells the story about the Gorilla tearing apart the cheerio box.  Rebecca pointed out how the Gorilla enjoyed carrots, though she wasn't planning on eating any of hers.  They weren't paying much attention to the Gorilla as it was walking around.  As they began to look back into the enclosure the Gorilla stood up, their eyes grew huge and they backed up.  The Gorilla just sat down and finished his snack.  Finally Bridget fell asleep as we entered Orangutan corner.  They discovered a couple of very young orangutans playing.  The kids had just as much bounce around energy as the orangutans.  Finally we were off to home!

The entire family napped for 30min, then the kids started to wake-up beginning with Bridget.  We could easily tell the were over tired when they were web-cammed with my parents tonight.  Though they will not fall asleep right now.  I can tell you that I am very tired.  Travis even more tired than me since he was up a lot later than me. Wish I could go to bed soon!

Friday, January 15, 2010


This morning started off a lot better than yesterday ended.  All the kids were up early so they got to see dad.  That put all of them in a great mood which helped me out this morning.  We were actually early for school this morning!  That is always so rare.  As we pull up to school Marisa begins to cry.  She doesn't want to go to school today.  Why? She wants to spend the day with her mommy.  She misses her mommy so much.  I am sure it had a lot to do with seeing me upset last night.  I took a few minutes to talk with her.  She was happy to hear that in about 4 months she gets 3 months home with mom.  That sounded ok to her.  I then got to walk her into school.  I think there might be a special night planned for her.  She wanted to go to the zoo tomorrow so I am sure we will spend the morning there.

As I got home I realized how much work I have to do today.  I began with de-icing infront of the garage so I could get the recyclables and garbage out without killing myself.  Then inside to do dishes, play, webcam, clean livingroom, play, laundry, play, lunch, play, more laundry and now naps.  I have begun to realize that laundry and dishes will be an everyday adventure in this house for a long time.  I do have the actual help of the older 3 with these "chores".  They will put all dishes away that belong below the counter, so their dishes are on a bottom drawer.  They will switch the laundry for me and even start the dryer.  They even wanted to learn how to fold clothes.  They only fold towels and socks right now but that is a lot of help!

I remembered a story from yesterday.  Travis has been complaining for weeks now that Brayden does not have enough "boy" plates.  So that was one of the things we got with yesterday's shopping.  He had a choice of Transformers or Cars.  Since he knows nothing of either movie, he picked the Cars one since it had a car and he likes cars.  I got the plate and bowl out for lunch.  He found away to get the cup out.  I hear this noise of filling a cup of water from the refrigerator.  When I finally realized the sound and that no one should be touching that I turned around.  I was just in time to see Brayden pouring a cup of water over Bridget's head, who happened to be sitting next to the fridge.  Poor Bridget!  She had no clue it was coming.  Note to self: keep those buttons locked!

Well, yet more laundry is calling.  Oh, and the dishes, supper, vacuuming, floor washing, bathroom cleaning, shower.......

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I have been inspired!  (thank you Adam) With all the crazy things going on I have decided to blog daily.  What about? Probably about my family since they are the center of my life.  So here is to day 1!

The morning started out normal with 2 girls crying that dad was not there, and Brayden searching the house for "dad".  Brayded would only respond to me if I called him "Braydenman" (like Spiderman).  I did have an amazing surprise when I went to get coffee.  Travis set up the coffee maker for me.  I finally had warm (not burnt) coffee this morning.

I am still in baffled that it takes me over 20 minutes to get all 4 kids in snow gear and into the van before I can leave to go anywhere.  Bridget no sits by the shoes and watches and "the big kids" get all geared up.  You might find her stealing a glove or boot from time to time.  Brayden just like to bug his sisters as he gets ready, oh and poop.  Every morning this morning I get them all geared up and realize that I need to change Brayden's poopie diaper.  Then Bridget brings me her jacket and boots.  As each kid is ready to go and we double checked the back packs the line up in the laundry/mudroom and wait for me to get a jacket on.  Off to school we go.

I made the mistake of grabbing Marisa's snow pants this morning for Rebecca at school.  That did not go over well with Marisa.  I didn't realize that snow pants were so special.  So she wasn't happy going to school today, but I am sure she will get over it quickly there.  Dropped Rebecca off at pre-preschool.  She about pushed me out the door.  She loves seeing her "friends" and teacher.

Then off to "shopping" I go with Brayden and Bridget.  Just the normal middle of the week run when I realize that milk, diapers, and bread are almost gone.  Though today was a little bit about mom getting out of the house while the sun is up high in the sky.  The kids loved it!  Well, for the most part.  Still trying to go to the bathroom while holding Bridget and begging Brayden not to leave the stall makes the trip no fun at all.

Well, they should be napping but I am hearing crazy noise up there so off I go to put them back into bed.