Tuesday, September 15, 2009


First half of my day has been interesting. I woke up early today. Well early for me. I am going to guess about 6am thought the alarm started at 5:30. It is all part of that master plan of waking up early to get a shower, breakfast and a few minutes to talk with Travis before he leaves and the house wakens from its slumber. Going to bed after midnight did not help me wake up with a cheer mood but the shower helped me take hold of my day. Few minutes with Travis didn't work but, still I was going to start my day off well. Kids still asleep? check. off to check e-mail. Have you ever gotten one of those e-mails that just by the title you don't want to open. Yup, first thing for me was that dredged e-mail. So the world around me thought my day needed to start not so well.

By the time I sorted out the horrid e-mail enough for the day all kids were up and bouncing around the house. I thought that getting 4 kids fed in the morning at one time would get easier as they get older, but nope it gets harder. I guess being a short order cook for 4 doesn't help. Bridget fruit and rice cereal, Rebecca gets waffle, Marisa wants dad's cereal with milk, Brayden wants..... well he not much of an eater so "juice" small bowl of cheerios and he discovered my toaster strudel so no breakfast for me yet. All, settled? Nope fights over who is blowing on them, looking at them and singing at them at the table ensue and Bridget wants to nurse not eat cereal. Still I promise my self that we are all leaving the house with a smile. We rush to get everyone dressed and 2 backpacks filled. Yup I said filled. Marisa need apples, oh gosh I forgot apples. Open fridge to find that Travis went out last night and got apples, YEAH DAD! Ok now the fight over what shoes to wear. and then into the car. Drop two off and home I go.

Thought Bridget would nap. Why would she? So fuss with her while I am quickly reminded that boys are very hard to take care of when sick. So I nursed Bridget with Brayden "monitoring" all contact on my lap too. If I moved he moved. It was like someone taped him to me. I would peel him off and run to do things (like potty) and he would scream after. Ok, today is not getting better. Another round of phone calls settles completes my morning to do list. Now books, make lunch and pick up Rebecca. Brayden's lesson from lunch: M&M's melt in applesauce. Peanut butter cups don't fair well or taste great after being stirred into applesauce.

So now I vow that the day will end with smiles. Brayden may still cry to be in my arms but he will be happy overall from the day. Now I am off to hopefully put Bridget to nap and then wake her up and the rest up to pick up Marisa. I pray she can be in a better mood after school today.

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