Sunday, May 14, 2006

Our Mother's Day

I was woken up by Travis and Rebecca’s big smiles. Ok, Rebecca was fussing a little for food but I did get a big smile first. We got two dirty diapers from Rebecca while she was nursing right before Marisa woke up. Now she didn’t wake up in such a good mood that Rebecca did. We finally got her settled in for breakfast. I fed Rebecca while Marisa ate and Travis cooked. As I was pick up Rebecca to clean her she decided to spit up all over me. After I got changed (she managed to soak me with spit up) I enjoyed a warm meal and received two cards (they are wonderful!). Rebecca is down for a nap (not usual for her but it is Mother’s Day so I will enjoy it) and after some tears (only mom could help with getting her sandals on) and coaxing Marisa is outside with Travis playing. (I don’t know what is going on with Marisa. She seems to be crying at everything.) I hope she gets over these tears soon.

Marisa decided she wanted to play inside the van instead of running around the yard, so Travis cleaned out the van while she played. Rebecca took a nice nap of an hour this morning so I went out and started on the garden. I placed the rest of the bricks and started to transplant some of Travis’ precious grass to bare spots in the lawn. Travis cooked hamburgers for lunch. Lunch was really nice. I tried to sneak in a little nap when I thought that Rebecca went down for another nap at about 12:15. Marisa wanted to join me so I thought that would be nice. She rested her little head down next to me for a total of 45 seconds. She pretended to snore then started to play peek-a-boo with the sheets, which turned into jumping on mom and tickling mom. It was so cute she would crawl up kiss me then tickle under my neck. Travis thought he got her to follow him out of the room to color but she did not like it when he closed the door. After the crying and banging on the door I heard Rebecca get up. I thanked Travis very much for the time he did let me sleep.

We got Marissa down for a nap and Travis went back out to take care of the garden. I thought I had Becca down a few times for a nap but that didn’t work out. Marisa got up at about 4pm and joined her dad back outside to play. I have been doing a few small things for Travis so that his day will go smoother (I know how hard it is to juggle the girls and he is giving a little time to myself so a got some minor things done in appreciation to all the help).

The girls made me feel needed and loved today. Travis gave me time to relax (by playing with the girls rather than worrying about meals and dishes). Overall it was the perfect day at this home so far.


Anonymous said...

HELLOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Where are you??? There are grandmas & aunts & grandpas & uncles waiting to here the "rest of the story"


Love you
Grandma D


Anonymous said...

Great picture Beth.