Monday, May 22, 2006

A long weekend

I know I have not posted in awhile but things have been interesting here. Marisa has been getting jealous of Rebecca lately, so when I finally get Rebecca out of my arms for a few minutes Marisa has been climbing into them. We have also been trying to get outside in the mornings before it gets too hot. I tried to post this weekend but ran out of time. Travis went to a bachelor party for Curt Saturday night in Omaha (sounds like he had a lot of fun) and my brother and one of his friends came to visit that night. They were a big help but it still took some time for Marisa to get used to Leo. Marisa really had fun with her Uncle Tim this weekend. She had to sit next to him, and he had to wash her up after her meals (I was not good enough at the time). He was trying to entertain Becca so I could feed her and Marisa was yelling at him to sit next to her while she ate breakfast. Marisa took off Tim’s hat and put it back on him, leaned back to take a good look and said “pretty”.

Marisa likes to stir Rebecca’s oatmeal and help me feed her. Marisa feels it is her job to buckle Rebecca into her highchair (or any other place that has buckles). She can be a big help at times. Marisa loves to play peek-a-boo with Rebecca. Rebecca laughs and giggles whenever Marisa plays with her.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed coming out there so whenever you need someone to distract the girls just give me a call.

Uncle Tim

Anonymous said...

I see mommy and Marisa make the same faces. Is that to help Rebecca eat or is it because Rebecca makes faces when she eats?

It is good to see that everyone is happy and healthy out there in Nebraska and that you are back to blogging again!
Love you all,
Nanny in North Carolina