Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Our First Family Vacation

Congratulations to Elaine and Chris!!! Your wedding was beautiful!! We wish that we all could have stayed longer to see you both and to see the rest of the family.

It was great to see everyone that was there (I wish I could have seen everyone). I miss everyone so much. We really didn’t want to trip to be so short. I was so happy to introduce all of you to my two little girls. Ok, Rebecca is not so little anymore.

The girls traveled surprisingly well. We tried to get Marisa to nap at the Omaha airport but she wouldn’t. She actually wanted to get into the stroller and be pushed around (vroom, vroom to her). So I did laps while Travis played with Becca. I stopped counting after 10 laps but I know I at least tripled that count. Marisa thought it was pretty neat to be flying. Both girls fell asleep quickly after we were in the air. Though the flight attendant woke both of them up when he gave us our snacks and drinks (it was an interesting flight attendant, hard to explain his humor but Travis does a good impression). We barely made our connecting flight in Atlanta, GA. The entire plane was already boarded as we approached the terminal. Rebecca fell asleep before Marisa the first night.

Sunday seemed busy. We did get out of the hotel and walk down to the harbor. It was really nice, interesting, and very hot. We were not able to spend as much time there as we would have liked. Travis took Marisa to the pool. He said she had fun; I was upstairs with Becca trying to get ready for the wedding. (If you want Travis to post here you need to talk to him about that. He is able to but has chosen not to so far) The church was beautiful. The bridesmaid dresses were elegant. I loved the flowers too. I took Rebecca with me. She started to fuss so we stood in the back corner of the church. Of course after mass started Rebecca needed to nurse so we sat outside and I fed her. During the feeding she decided to have a blowout poopy diaper. Sad part was I left the diaper bag in the pew next to my mother. So took off my shoes and quietly walked up the side of the church to get it. My mom helped me change her. Rebecca then slept in my arms for the remainder of the ceremony (that is over 18lbs I got to hold for 1.5 hours, which included waiting 20min for an elevator until after mass). All this happened before the gospel reading. While I was at the church Marisa and Travis took a nap (I am not sure what else they did, good time for Travis to write). We woke up Marisa from her nap for supper.

We finally got Rebecca down at 10pm (Eastern Time) so I could head back to the reception. It was a beautiful reception. I had a great time talking to everyone. I wished I could have gone to the after party with everyone. If our plane did not leave so early in the morning I would have gone. It was bad enough that the hotel did not give us a wake up call like we asked them to. We rushed out (thankfully my parents were helping us) and hoped we didn’t leave anything behind. Overall the trip home wasn’t horrible. We were all tired and wanted to be home. We made a few extra stops along the way including supper in Lincoln. We were all happy to sleep in our own beds last night.

Ok, a picture is missing because we kept forgetting to take our camera out of the room to take pictures. Juggling two girls and everything else we would finally remember the camera when we were too far to turn back. Maybe I could get a picture or two from my parents?

Well I am off to unpack. As I remember stories I shall post them up here. If you want any stories for Travis just post and ask him (he is at work right now but reads this on his breaks), I am sure if he receives enough requests he would post at least once. We hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

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