Monday, December 01, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Well, we have not moved in yet. We have moved a bunch of boxes up to the house (thank you Dennis and Tres for the help). I am down to the kids closets and our closet (which is mainly shoes, blankets and some clothes) that needs major packing. The res I will just start throwing into boxes the night before we move since it is what we use on a daily basis now. Builder says this weekend, we hope by next weekend but probably in 3 weeks. If they actually worked this weekend we could move soon.

Yet another holiday with sick kids. Thursday Becca spiked a fever (highest I saw was 102.7). We have gotten it down a few times but it keeps coming back so off to the doctor today. Last night at about 9 or 9:30 pm Brayden started heaving. Since it was also a bath night, he got 3 baths. The last time Travis was holding him and took most of the mess on him so we just had to wipe Brayden's face up. He is not feeling well this morning so he will see the doctor too. So far Marisa seems to be doing well but we will see. My Yahoo mail seems to be down right now, so if I don't respond right away to e-mails that is why.

I hope everyone has a great week!

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