Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New baby update.

I had my blood sugar tested last Friday and it was elevated. So, they had me come back for the 3 hour test. On Monday I spent from 8am to 12pm sitting at the clinic. The had to draw blood every hour for 3 hours after I drank the disgusting drink (at least OB puts theirs in the fridge). The kids went to daycare for the first time. I picked them up around 4. Brayden had bit two kids and Becca had an accident. Other than that it seemed to go pretty well. I got some of my numbers back yesterday and my sugar is still elevated. The will call today with what to do next, since the doctor was out yesterday. I have gained 16lbs in 27 weeks. We have a pencil in date for the c-section of Feb. 6th (Travis and I laugh knowing our anniversary is the next day) so the baby will come no later than that.

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