Friday, January 04, 2008


Today I took Becca and Brayden in for their well check-ups. I will start with Becca. Becca turns two next Thursday. I am sure we will be having cake. As always we will be decorating the house for when she wakes up. I lost, so I have given up on birthday parties after age one, until school age, when friends can come to the parties. Her height was 33.5 inches and her weight was 33lbs. She is doing well. She is potty trained now. For the day time that is. She is trying out temper tantrums lately. Becca also decided to boycott vegetables and meat (unless processed such as hot dogs and lunch meat). She can run (on tiptoes some times), jump, skip, gallop, sing and talk in almost complete thoughts. She hates getting her picture taken.

Brayden was 4 months on Monday so, this was his four month check up. He is 26 inches long, weighs 15lbs 6oz. He had a huge growth in is height and head. He gained weight (4lbs) but not at the rate he grew. The doctor is not concerned about it. He is eating cereals and fruit. He can roll over both ways. When on his tummy he can lift himself on his chest off the ground. He is getting interested in toys. He likes his mom still but also takes to the girls and Travis. After he naps I found out he only likes his mom. Though for the MOPS meetings and book club he goes to a few of my friends with no problem at all. So, if your are not in his circle of "friendly faces" he cries. I am starting to remember the girls at this stage. He is sleeping through the night!!! Yes, that means I am sleeping. Though during the day he is up all day. So, it can get a little crazy around our house.

Today we also checked out our new home. The first floor is up and they are working on the second floor today. Travis took some pictures while he was out there this afternoon. I will post them tonight after Stargate Atlantis (still fight to watch that show). Well, it is off to get Brayden (his legs hurt after his shots today).

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