Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Doctor visit today

Wow! The girls are growing fast! Today was Rebecca's 6 month check-up (she turned 6 months yesterday) so we also took care of Marisa 2 year check-up (she turns two August 20th). Marisa is 34" (50%) and 27.8 lbs (60%) with a head circumference of 19" (70%). She is very healthy and doing well.

Becca is 26" (60%) and 20.5 lbs (100% ok we know she is big) with a head circumference of 17.25" (80%). The doctor says she is doing great and ahead in her development with scooting, attempts at crawling and her rolling ability.

Busy day today. I will try to get pictures and post them later. Here is a picture taken on 4th of July of Marisa eating her first ice cream cone. Lots of stories to tell, I will post later. Have a great day!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see Marisa fits in well, she likes her ice cream. We all know who she takes after!!! The girls are growing to fast, more pictures would be great.

Hugs and Kisses Nana