Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The House

There is not much to report on the house. Very little has been done over the last few weeks. There have been a few snow showers here and there, but for the most part it has just been cold. We are finding more mistakes in the house than progress. Travis noticed to basement windows are too narrow (by two feet). Hopefully they will pour the garage foundation soon (they other two house they are working on were poured around Christmas) and the roof on. The material for the roof has been delivered 1.5 weeks ago. I am trying to stay patient through this process. It doesn't look like they will meet the contract date of March 17th. That is only 4.5 weeks away. I really wish I could be packing right now. Started a little, but I don't want to pack too much until we know when they will be finished. Right now the entire west side of the house and top of the house is open to the elements. I am starting to really hate the house we are renting. Hopefully there will be more progress soon.