Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
This holiday has been a memorable one for us. Starting the Friday before Christmas everyone but Travis had a cold. Saturday morning Travis gets a crying Becca in the morning and she throws-up on him. She continued it every half our that morning until nap time. After nap she seemed fine. Of course at this point she was on a clear liquid diet. Sunday after lunch started the uncontrollable loose BM. All was fine by supper. Christmas eve morning all seemed fine. Everyone eating, laughing and playing. We decide to head out to Travis' parents for a formal and fun Christmas Eve. Just after everyone has arrived and is about to eat, Marisa asks dad to hold her. A few moments later she throws-up all over her dad. We pack up and head home. We spend the night with her head in a bucket or over the toilet until 4am. Santa asked us to put a kitchen together for the girls so they could play right away. We finished at about 6:30 am. The girls woke up at 7:30. Marisa was the first up excited about the morning. She did well all day. Wednesday rolls around and all are healthy, until 9 or 10pm when Marisa cries and I find her heaving her supper. Travis is up with her until 4am again. But she continues to throw- up through the morning. Friday morning and afternoon are going great. All are healthy playing and laughing. So, we try it again, we head of to Travis' parents for a fun night. Everyone is doing great. We all had a great time. We arrive home and everyone falls asleep quickly (well, Brayden did after he threw-up all over Travis, and Brayden barely ever spits up). Then at 11:30 we are called by the two girls. Marisa starts throwing-up again. Becca we are able to calm down though she was about to start. Since then everyone has been healthy. So, if we forgot to call anyone it's because we have had a very busy week with no sleep. We hope everyone starts the New Year great!