Sunday, April 30, 2006

Tree for the front yard

The family went out to Menards today looking at flowers and trees. We were looking for anything interesting. We stumbled across the Red Sunset Maple and think it is perfect for the front yard. What do you think? I love the color red that it turns during the fall.

Tomorrow I will take pictures of how our new flower gardens are progressing in the front yard. Travis' grass is growing very well there (the best spot in the yard) so I am thinking the flowers will do great. He is not so upset with where the garden is placed but rather the shape has changed causing him to move around the sprinkler system a bit. Hopefully he doesn't have too much work to do this summer. He told me he liked how it was turning out.

FYI: This is not a picture of our home or our tree. We have not purchased the tree yet. We got this picture from the link above.


Our Sunday morning started quite slow. Everyone ended up sleeping past alarm clocks. I guess since the sun did not come out the girls did not want to get up. The picture shown is of this morning. Marisa wanted Rebecca to sit next to her after she was done nursing. After I sat her there Marisa shared her “blankie” with her. Anyone that knows Marisa knows that it is a sign of true trust and honor. The green blanket is at Marisa sight most of the day. She will not sleep without it. She usually will not let anyone touch her blanket or wash it. (that is another funny story)

We went out looking at flowers this morning. That was after Rebecca finally settled down a little so I could go out shopping too. We picked up some lilies and rosebushes. Travis and I were able to plant the lilies already this afternoon. Marisa had fun digging in the dirt after she woke up from her nap. Travis is out shopping with Marisa for more flowers and other items for the garden. Becca is finally asleep. It sounds like she will be up soon.

We take Sundays a little easy compared to the rest of the week. We have a few projects going on right now. The flower gardens, lawn, deadbolts, storm doors, the girl’s room, and the fence are a few of our projects. During the week and Saturday we try to get in as much of the projects as the weather permits.

Happy Birthday Dylan!!

We would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Dylan!!! We hope you have a fun day. It's cloudy and rainy down here, hope it's not like that by you. See you soon!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Family picture

Ok. Here is a family picture, well the best we can do for now. It was taken by my mom at Rebecca's baptism. Father Mike is holding Rebecca. Lots of people have been asking for one so here it is.

Becca won!!!

Becca was the first to wake up so here is her picture. If we missed anyone with our e-mail about starting this blog or you know of someone who would enjoy reading it, pass it along.

Saturday Morning

Saturday morning has been going well. Marisa slept in. Rebecca did too; 7am wake up call from her. Good thing too, Travis and I didn’t get to bed until after midnight. I got the wonderful job of grocery shopping. Since it has been a few months since I had really been able to shop I was in for a surprise. They had rearranged the entire store. I had an interesting time trying to find everything. I thought Rebecca was down for a nap but I was wrong. Travis got along great with both girls. It looked like they had a lot of fun playing. Rebecca was even content (this surprises me because usually all she wants to do is eat). Marisa had fun “helping” us put away groceries. We had to continue reminding her not to open all the boxes of food. Marisa was insistent on eating everything we ate and what was on her plate. She had a lot for lunch. She should sleep well.

Travis started to put in the deadbolt but ran out of battery in his cordless drill. (He needs a new battery the two he has are bad now) He is now shopping at Menards to get a corded drill to finish up. Marisa and Rebecca are napping. Though Rebecca is starting to stir. When one of the girls get up I will post a picture. Travis has been requesting daily pictures during the week, so I thought other people might enjoy seeing them over the weekend too. I am off to work around the house until Becca gets up.

Friday afternoon

I am starting to feel better today. I had a migraine headache Wednesday night that put me in bed for 4 hours. It decided to come back Friday morning. Since I am still nursing Rebecca I can not take anything but Tylenol. So I went to the doctor to see what was causing it and how to get rid of the pain so I could take care of the girls. It is now something I need to work with my doctor. The doctor and I prefer for me to continue nursing Rebecca for as long as I can, so some of the medication for migraines I cannot have at this time.

Since I was not feeling well yesterday Marisa decided to take a really short nap and Rebecca decided not to nap at all until 5pm. Marisa started the afternoon off in an interesting mood. Within about 40 min she was then bouncing off the walls. She stands at the end of the hallway and counts to 3 (yes, she is learning to count, but only knows up to three right now) then runs down the hallway. Stops, turns around, counts to three then races back down the hallway. She does this for the kitchen then starts all over again. Ever since the warm weather hit we can’t keep her still.

Marisa was really happy to see her dad come home. I guess I was not keeping up with her enough. She gave her dad a hug and kiss then dragged him all over the house jumping, running and spinning. Travis couldn’t even keep her sitting in her bath. After we finally got both girls in bed (10:15pm) we decided to just sit back and relax, we both needed it.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Sick Day

I will not be able to post much today because I am not feeling well. Travis was able to enjoy a couple of hours with Marisa around lunch time while I went to the doctor (Rebecca came with me since I am her food). They seemed to have lots of fun. I will try to write again tonight if I am feeling better.

It is raining here

Well, last night was fun. Marisa requested chocolate cake after supper again. Good thing it was warm out so she could go burn off all that energy from the sugar rush she had. I can't wait to get the fence up so that I don't have to worry as much about her wandering off. After playing outside she felt it was dance time with Mom, Dad, and Rebecca. She was avoiding going to sleep. She likes for us to sing songs at bed time so she can dance. She is starting to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with us now. She is also remembering some of the sign language to Silent Night that I have taught her. I learned it in second grade and still remember it (thank you Mrs. Muth!). Ok I really haven't been "teaching" it to her. I just used it one night to get her attention and calm her down. It has become part of the routine ever since then.

Marisa slept in this morning. Thank you Travis for tiring her out last night!!! Becca was up at normal time so she is napping now. Marisa is currently dancing in the office with me. She has had a lot of energy since it has warmed up. She is practically bouncing off the walls. It can be fun to watch until it is meal time and she can't sit still. Well, I am off to dance with Marisa. I hope everyone has a great day!!!

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Travis and I are looking into trees to plant. One in our front yard and a couple in our backyard. I would really like a Weeping Willow. We decided that might be best in the back if we decided to get one. Any suggestions on types of trees? Travis is also interested in fruit trees for the back yard but not set on that either.

We are also looking at flowers to plant too. We are open for suggestions for them as well.

(first post with the subject not about the girls, wow, probably won't be many of these)


Well, I guess I should put a picture up of Rebecca since there are two of Marisa. This is from earlier this morning. She was "talking" to me so I thought I would grab the camera. She loves to smile, laugh, and talk all day. She tends to yell if she needs something. If she doesn't get it she then get hysterical. There is no middle ground with Rebecca.

Dad Surprises Girls

Travis decided to come home for lunch. Marisa thought it was great! Even though she had eaten already she felt she had to share Dad's lunch with him. Marisa also thought she needed to eat green beans with her dad too. Though we knew she has not liked the taste of raw green beans, we let her try them again. She would bite out the center of the bean and reach in for another one just because Dad did. The problem was that when Travis left she had a mouth full of green beans that she wanted to spit out all over the living room but not in a napkin.

Surprisingly both girls in the room hopefully napping soon. Well, Rebecca is trying to sleep and Marisa is trying to keep her up without getting in trouble. She is getting louder so I might need to head in there soon to calm her down.

A Request

There was a request this morning via e-mail for a picture of the morning. Since Becca is taking a small nap it is of Marisa. Lately she has been feeding her baby doll while I feed Becca. I finally got a picture of it. I hope everyone enjoys it. I better get back to some house cleaning while Becca takes her 20min nap.

Long night

I tried to get on last night and post but as you can tell it did not happen. The night didn't quite go as I had planned (well, it never does). Marisa had a lot of fun eating her chocolate cake last night. Travis and I were really happy that it was bath night because she needed one after supper and dessert. After our supper Travis took Marisa outside to play. She had a great time digging in dirt, searching for rocks and plucking grass (instead of the weeds like dad was doing). I am sure Travis has a few funny things she did outside he could post. I was inside feeding and bathing Rebecca. Though I could hear and see that Marisa was definitely getting out all of her sugar high. Becca decided that she wanted to stay up last night. She didn't get to sleep until just after 10:30, we tried everything to get her to sleep earlier.

As you probably have noticed that I sometimes call Rebecca, Becca. It is a nickname that Marisa has started and we like a lot. It started as Abecca and has turned into just Becca. My mom asked me the other day "What happened to Rebecca's hair?" She has lost all of her dark hair. She is getting a mixture of Auburn, brown, and some light blonde hair in. Her eyebrows have a lot of red in them. I guess she is going to make us wait to see what color her hair will be. Her eyes are dark blue right now. She is sleeping through the nights. She has been since late Feb. early March. Though she has dropped all naps during the day except when dad is home. I am sure he is ready to tease me about that soon.

Marisa is trying to help me type and Becca is hungry so I will have try to post again later.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Link to pictures

On the right hand side of the page is a picture link. It will take you to our photo album on Winkflash. This is the same albums I send to family and friends (that I have e-mails for) every month. The password for the albums is: Dendinger. If it ask for a user name and password then you will need to setup an account to see the pictures. It is free. They never send me e-mails about random stuff. I will post on here every time I update pictures so no one has to get my e-mail every month. I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Finally the afternoon

Well this morning went alright. Marisa decided that the morning would be a "dad" morning. Which means that dad is the only one that gets to change her diaper or feed her. I was just not good enough first thing in the morning. She had to search out dad for a dance this morning. After that mom was ok to be around. We said our normal goodbyes to dad. She blew him kisses and then went running for the couch to wave goodbye. She stares out the window until she can't see his truck anymore. Then she turned to me, put her arms in the air and said "where go?"

Rebecca is now playing in her Leapfrog learning center. She has more fun watching Marisa dance then anything else while she is in there. The girls seem to get along until Rebecca touches Marisa or Marisa rubs Rebecca's head while eating and falling asleep. Rebecca surprised me this morning. I lied her down on the floor to change her wet diaper. I realized I need more diapers so I went to get more. When I got back to her she had over filled her diaper with poop. Since it was Marisa's lunch time I couldn't take Becca to the bathroom tub, so she got a quick "bath" on a towel. Good thing tonight is a bath night. It has also become a laundry night.

I was able to get some housework done this morning, all with the help of my lovely assistant Marisa. She "helped" me change all the sheets on the beds this morning. Which meant that I got to make the bed a few times after she pulls the sheets off, hides under them, jumps on the beds and then throws all the pillows off. We picked up toys then played with them all again. The best part is now they are both taking a nap together. It won't last much longer but I will still enjoy it. Now it is time for me to re-energize for the afternoon.

Good Morning

The morning just started a couple of hours ago. Not too much to share yet. Everyone please feel free to comment on any post. When you press the comment link it will take you to another page. There you can hit the Anonymous tab and write in your name. This will appear by your post. You do not need to be registered to this site. I hope everyone has as much fun with this as we are.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Busy day

Well, today has been quite busy. Rebecca decided today was a no nap day. Marisa decided today was a short nap day. By the afternoon both were in some interesting moods. Rebecca has learned to lift her head while on her belly. Marisa enjoyed playing with her like that for awhile. Marisa was in an interesting mood this afternoon. She decided it would be fun to tickle Rebecca while she was eating and falling asleep. Rebecca disagreed. She got really cranky during Marisa's tickling mood.

After supper Rebecca was in her bouncer and Marisa started to bouncer her. Dad had to remind Marisa that Rebecca can't be bounced that fast. Then Marisa decided to "wash" Rebecca's hair.(ever since her last trip to the Salon Marisa thinks it is fun to wash and style everyone's hair) Rebecca loved it! She was all smiles with her head rub. Marisa was so tired out from bouncing off the walls this afternoon that she went to bed on time with minimal complaint. We are still trying to get Rebecca to bed. Well, sounds like it is Rebecca's time to eat.


I've decided to start this blog to keep in touch with family and friends. The girls are growing so fast so I thought this would be a good way to keep everyone up to date on the girls. I will try to post as often as I can. Well, the girls are calling me so I will post again later with pictures.